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Posted by on November 28, 2014

Stephanie and Phillip want to thank all of you for the support you have shown us during this journey.  Since yesterday was Thanksgiving we thought this would be the perfect time to share what we are thankful for as a family:


1. For God who provides every single thing we need…and is unbelievably kind and generous

2. For the prayers of friends and family which cover and protect us


1. People who have cared for us with prayer, finances and just overall friendship.  This means so much to us that you have chosen to give up your time and resources to act on our behalf.  You could have used that for other things or people, but you choose to bless us!

2. Food: I love to cook and I LOVE food, so I have to be thankful that I have some time to experiment with new creations these days.


1. That Jesus is Holy (she said this quickly and without any prompting — go children’s ministry at Parkwood Community Church!)

2. Our family


1. Her Pup pup (a stuffed doggie) she can’t go anywhere without it

2. Sweets (pumpkin pie, cookies, really anything with sugar)


As you can see, we have much to be thankful for.  This season continue to remember the things you are thankful for and worship God who is the giver of every good thing.

With love and gratitude, from our family to yours,

P,S,G and C

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