Sometimes it is amazing how God weaves details in the tapestry of life together. Often times we really don’t know exactly why God works the way He does, but it seems like He delights in letting us know it was Him who blessed us, provided for us, protected us, offered us encouragement, and every other good thing, when we most needed it. He is a God of such intentionality and detail!
This past weekend we had the opportunity to visit a ministry site in Kiel, Germany. While we were there, we learned that Kiel is a sister city to San Francisco. I’m not sure what the relationship entails, but a big reason for the partnership is shared values between the two cities. Apparently the cities think alike on many levels. They are both concerned about waste, finding better energy sources, having a good quality of life and both near a large body of water. Both cities promote freedom and diversity, as well as creativity and the culture of the arts.
The partnership between the cities is very new; less than one year old. What is especially interesting/comical to us is that one of our partner churches resides in the San Francisco area. The longer we live overseas, the smaller the world truly becomes!
What would be truly remarkable is if both cities were concerned with reaching out to its citizens with the good news of Jesus Christ. While we know this is only a dream, who knows what the connection between these cities will result in with time. Many good things, we hope!
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