Recently we felt a little bit like A-list celebrities! Okay, maybe B or C-list. The Covenant Chuch (our sending denomination) flew a cinematographer to Germany to film our lives for a week. They hoped he would capture moments of our lives and give prospective missionaries a peak into our daily rhythm, ministry and life with young children. We had never done anything like this before. At first, we were not sure what to do or say. We prepared our hearts and home to receive Greg. We bathed the girls and and dressed them beautifully. But then, we got sick with the stomach flu!
When Greg arrived, almost everyone in our family was sick. By mid-week, he thought he had escaped it. But on the second to last day of his visit, Greg too became sick! Because all of us were sick throughout the week, we filmed clips with all of us, some with one of us and some with just the girls. Of course, we probably missed moments Greg had hoped to film. God says this is ok! We kept asking ourselves: Will the video be good? Are we doing enough? Well, one thing is for sure….it will be real! Greg filmed everyday moments like us making birthday cookies for Gabrielle’s class, our messy dining room after hosting people for a meal, toys all over the children’s room and even captured an impromptu conversation/prayer with our next door neighbor. In reality, this is all part of our ministry.
The reason we choose this picture for this blog post is because it’s a beautiful mess; just like the filming process and just like our lives. There are random pieces and things that don’t quite fit. In this picture there are old pipes, screws and bolts, rust, and yet, some beautiful flowers. While everything in the scene looks random and unimportant, the flowers cause us to stop and look. Hopefully our lives reflect this kind of beauty in Germany. Our day to day lives may look like a disaster at times, but with the Creator’s power, everyday moments become something extraordinary.
We were told our short video could be ready by the end of March. We will be sure to let you know and post the link here.