By Stan Friedman
SAN FRANCISCO, CA (April 2, 2012) – Four San Francisco Evangelical Covenant Church congregations will forego their individual traditional Easter worship services and will celebrate the holy day together.
By Stan Friedman
SAN FRANCISCO, CA (April 2, 2012) – Four San Francisco Evangelical Covenant Church congregations will forego their individual traditional Easter worship services and will celebrate the holy day together.
LENEXA, KS (March 30, 2012) – Covenant Retirement Communities (CRC) has broken ground on Covenant Place of Lenexa, a pilot project that will be entirely comprised of rental apartments. Opening is set for some time in Spring 2013.
CHICAGO, IL (March 29, 2012) – Response to Tuesday’s online article, Broken Lives Find New Hope in Communion Wafers, has been heartwarming, accompanied by numerous requests from local Covenant churches asking how they can purchase supplies of the communion …
GEMENA, DR CONGO (March 28, 2012) – More than 5,200 people attended the installation of Jules Mboka as the new president of the Congo Covenant Church (CEUM), which took place as part of a nearly six-hour worship service on Sunday.…
CHICAGO, IL (March 28, 2012) – Additional copies of the newly released booklet Jesus and the Great Story of God that was introduced during this year’s Midwinter Conference are now available for online ordering through Covenant Bookstore.
ATLANTA, GA (March 28, 2012) – The nearest full-service grocery store is several miles away. The only green space in the neighborhood is called Mother Mattie’s Garden, a narrow, quarter-acre lot in the middle of a blighted community.
By Stan Friedman
PUNE, INDIA (March 27, 2012) – The wafers that Hindustani Covenant Church (HCC) pastors break when their congregations celebrate communion were most likely made by women whose lives were once broken when they were forced into sexual …
NORTHBROOK, IL (March 26, 2012) – A memorial service will be conducted in April for retired Evangelical Covenant Church pastor Howard H. Carlstrom, 88, who died Saturday at Covenant Village of Northbrook where he had lived for 13 years.
Report …
KARAWA, DR CONGO (March 26, 2012) – A commercial-size 20-foot steel container filled with medical supplies and other items recently arrived here, a gift of the Department of Women Ministries of the Evangelical Covenant Church.