
When I told God we needed a break, this wasn’t what I had in mind. We had just come off Julio’s illnesses in December, a move in January and starting classes on February 5th. Unfortunately in that first week of teaching classes I tripped, falling down a couple stairs and breaking my left foot. To say I felt defeated is an understatement. I was feeling good and excited coming into this new semester, teaching a class I designed, with 30 students in a hybrid format. Then the next minute I’m getting fitted for a boot, given crutches and told not to put any weight on the foot for a month.

The physical pain was one thing to deal with, the disappointment was another. Still, it has been possible for me to continue teaching the hybrid course, this time from online instead of the classroom. The in-person students continue to meet in the classroom and myself and the virtual students are projected on a screen. It’s not what I wanted but it is working. I don’t get out of the house much as the crutches are exhausting to use. Still last week I did make a visit to the seminary with three colleagues visiting from the Evangelical Covenant Church. I even stayed to teach the class in-person (hopping up the stairs to the classroom with help). I had just received a knee scooter I ordered so I got to try it out giving them a short tour of campus.

I was also able to go spend a portion of a day at a park with my family; it was the day marking the one-year anniversary of my parents’ deaths. God knew I needed to be surrounded by nature and family that day. 

I will go back to the doctor in a week for another x-ray and to see if I can begin to walk on the foot and being physical therapy. I continue to know that God is with me, that through the amazing care of my family and friends he is pouring out love on me. 

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