Coming together for learning and celebration

This past weekend, I (Katie), gathered with 16 youth leaders from different Covenant churches. We came together from all over Colombia, from Ipiales in the south to Barranquilla in the North. This gathering was a testimony of God’s faithfulness and the commitment to the formational process.of these and other youth leaders. Since 2018, when the first group gathered in Medellin, the Colombian Covenant Youth Association, has committed to equipping new leaders in local churches. Covid and the pandemic threatened to derail the process, but even though there were changes, we have seen growth. Over 60 local youth and young adults have taken part in this formational process. Those who gathered have been facilitating the process in their regions and local churches. And so during the weekend together we continued learning, deepening our relationships with one another, and celebrating. 

Here are some of the highlights from the weekend:

On Saturday morning, the participants from Antioquia, including myself, traveled by plane to Bogota. Where we met up with the rest of the participants.

We worked all day Saturday at the Covenant church Dios la Esperanza in the South of Bogota. I facilitated the training sessions that focused on the third semester of material, wholisitic youth ministry. 

That evening we had a special meal and ceremony to celebrate the culmination of the training process for this group of facilitators. There was a yummy meal, live music provided by the local church’s pastor and worship team. The pastors of the church decorated and created a celebratory environment and we reflected on God’s faithfulness and celebrated this road we have traveled together. Each participant received a certificate from the Youth Organization and a small gift. I was presented with a beautiful plaque to thank me for my support through the material I created and the time invested in training.

Sunday morning we were invited to participate in worship at the church. I created interactive prayer stations, and the youth leaders guided the practice at each station. It was truly moving to see children, youth, and adults being led in this way.

After church we got on in a small van and drove 3 hours outside of Bogota (to hot weather climate), to a country house where we continued our time together through Monday afternoon. We continued to work in small groups, evaluate, plan, share experiences and ideas. We also played in the pool and laughed a lot. Click here to check out our van ride.

We returned to Bogota on Monday night motivated and fueled to go back to our local context and serve. Pray for these leaders and for those who are being equipped by them. Pray for the continued unity and for vision for the future.

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