Called and Gifted

Yesterday we were witnesses to something special. Have you ever had one of those holy moments, where it’s obvious that God’s Spirit is present? It happened during the course of the sermon at yesterday’s church service. To be honest, I was feeling a bit drained and wasn’t super enthusiastic about being there before the service started. That was until I found out our friend Lina would be preaching. Over the past five years we’ve been invited to journey alongside Lina and her husband Juan and have seen first-hand how God has been working in and through them. Lina is a gifted leader, teacher, preacher. She has a pastor’s heart and a desire to see the church living into the holistic mission its been given.

As she preached about the route that we see for ministry and the empowerment of God’s Spirit in the book of Acts, she engaged us deeply in the Biblical text. She also gave us opportunity to apply it to our context, our lives, our church community. At one point you could tell that she was feeling deeply what she was preaching. She got choked up talking about the women and men, who despite obstacles and opposition were committed to the mission that God had given them through the Holy Spirit. We were then invited to get up and move around the room to pray for specific situations in the city, the country, Latin America and the world, where God was calling us to respond. People were moved and convicted. Lina guided us gracefully and powerfully. And God’s Spirit was touching people’s hearts and lives.

After the time of prayer, Pastor Jorge stood up to reflect on what Lina had shared and what he had witnessed. I don’t often see Pastor Jorge in tears, but he was as he publicly confirmed LIna’s gifting as preacher and pastor. He reflected on his journey and how 20+ years before his gifting and calling had been confirmed publicly by the pastor. He too has walked alongside Lina as mentor and pastor, pouring into her as he saw her gifting from the very beginning. The church community affirmed LIna as well, praying for her and the role she has in leadership. 

The Evangelical Covenant Church affirms the calling and giftedness of women, like Lina. As stated in the resource, Called and Gifted, “We believe that the Bible teaches the full equality of men and women in creation and in redemption, and we affirm women in all roles and ministry positions within the church.” ( How amazing to be invited to be a part of God’s reconciling mission in the world, using the gifts God has given us. It was such a gift to be led by a woman who is clearly gifted and called. I’m grateful to be a part of a community who acknowledges and affirms her. My faith is richer because of what I have learned from her as she invites us to encounter the Living God of the Scriptures. 

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