What a strange two weeks it has been. I realized today that it has been over 13 days since my boys have left the house. And I literally mean left the house, beyond the garage. We did have one day at the beginning we went up to the field in our housing complex and threw the football, but that area and all other social areas are taped and closed off. I have left the house twice to go to the grocery store; one of those times I walked as I have so greatly missed being able to go for walks. There is a lot of loss to name in these times, especially as quarantine is in place until April 13! That’s right, 18 more days! (And it will probably be extended beyond that). Deep breaths. I have to say the kids have been amazing, although I know how hard it is for them to be confined, and to not have at least a yard to play in. But, we are finding ways to be creative and we are thanking God everyday for what we do have. So, here are a few images to give you a look into our life in quarantine.
Sunset from our bedroom window
We are thrilled to have a little patio and garden area. While we can’t go for walks, we can enjoy nature from our own home. Julio has hung his hammock and is taking advantage of this time to slow down, read, study, listen to audiobooks. As you know he has been running the past months (let’s be honest, years), and is taking advantage of this time to slow down. He even did some gardening, and by that I mean he cut our grass with a scissors. Now I wish I had taken a picture. Don’t worry, when it happens again I will.
While the kids are in school, I have been trying to start my day with quiet time. I don’t know about you, but many times I just feel like my mind is racing. So, starting my mornings with quiet reflection and God’s word has been essential for me (Katie).
The kids continue to follow their school schedules, working on their own and meeting with classmates and teachers online. They have presented tests and are working on various projects.
We have been getting exercise in as we can. Sam has a week-long training plan from his skating coach that he is following. Ben has joined me in doing some of the online rumba classes I follow. Yesterday he had gym class online and got quite a workout. We found out a neighbor might have a bike training stand that Julio can use so he can bike without leaving the garage.
Speaking of the garage, we have pulled our car out to give our kids an activity space. In the afternoons they go out and play different games (drawing a basketball hoop on the wall), or the other day they got creative and decided it would be fun to cover the walls in chalk drawings. Thank God for this “outside” space.
I have been cooking and trying out some new recipes. Now that I have time and everyday isn’t rushed to get a meal on the table, I have been feeling a little better about cooking. Yesterday I made a treat, gingerbread biscotti.
Julio and I have also been talking about how this is a time for creation to rest and experience healing, and how we want to be better stewards of God’s creation. So, this week we started a compost bin as a way of cutting down on waste. We’ll let you know how it goes!!
Julio and I are still able to take turns going out to the store, though even that has been limited to two days a week per person, and the day you can go out depends on the last digit of your ID number.
Again, deep breaths. And prayers for God’s healing for the world. We trust deeply in God and his love for his creation. And we place our hope in knowing that from the beginning God’s intent has been shalom and one day we will experience the reconciliation of all things.
“For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” – Colossians 1:16-20
HI Katie and Julio!
Thanks for the pics of ‘life as we know it’ during the pandemic–we are all listening more closely to the Father and seeking the rest we all have needed in His presence.
We, like you, are getting out when necessary and taking all the precautions we are told to. But life continues to spring forth as our next door neighbor had a baby girl on Monday, the flowers (and weeds) continue to push through the earth, and we wait for the Easter celebration to take hold of our hearts again and fill us afresh with the hope of our resurrection in Christ. What an amazing time to be alive on earth and to pray for the things close to God’s heart. God continue to keep each of you as you wait and listen–and if you are in touch with Gary and Mary Lou, or Cathy please pass on my love to them!
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Hey Katie and Julio,
Wow. Strange times we are in. It’s refreshing to see how God is birthing new life in midst of this confinement season.
The leadership team at The Bridge Church in Gilbert, AZ prayed over your update at our last meeting, thanks to our/your liaison, Pete.
Also, I have read parts of The Christian Year book you are doing in your devotion. Good choice. Blessings, strength and grace to you from your partners here in Arizona
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Thank you Joel!
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