On September 22, Julio, along with Gary Sander, and 5 Colombians headed to Candelaria, in Lempira, Honduras for a week-long consultation of Latin American Covenant World Relief partners. They spent the week at Cocepradil, a community organization that impacts over 60,000 people through clean water, food security, and equipping people to be stewards of God’s creation. During their time together the 23 Covenant World Relief partners shared from their own experiences working in community development through projects of peace and reconciliation, micro-finance, entrepreneurship training, child development, agriculture development, etc. They visited different communities to learn first-hand how Cocepradil works with farmers and rural communities, sharing in tangible ways the love of Christ, as they work holistically to provide clean water and grow crops for food supply. It was a powerful week of learning, sharing, networking, and witnessing the good work that is happening throughout Latin America, through Covenant World Relief partners. They were even able to participate in a community Gastronomical Festival. Here are some pictures from the week.