Love mercy, do justice

Love mercy, do justice is one of the five mission priorities of the Evangelical Covenant Church. It’s also what we are called to as Christ followers. Scripture tells us that we are to love God and love others. We are called to love mercy, do justice, and walk humbly with our God.

As a family and as part of Nueva Vida house church we have been seeking to live out our faith, loving God and loving others. It has been a process of listening, praying, learning about where God is at work. As a family we have had the opportunity to invest time in the lives of the boys at Casa de Paz. This house is a ministry of Shalom Covenant Church. Currently 13 boys, coming from at-risk communities, live here during the school year in order to have a safe place to live, access to education, and support that is both emotional and spiritual. Julio and our boys would go spend every Friday afternoon with the boys at Casa de Paz. They learned their names, they played soccer together, they taught Sam and Ben new games, they shared their hopes and dreams with Julio. These boys have difficult pasts, but they are so open to be loved and to give love. On our last visit they helped Julio celebrate is birthday! 

Playing soccer together

Playing soccer together

As a result of this relationship, the members of Nueva Vida have connected with these boys. And they have committed to working with the boys and the leaders of the home to serve and come alongside the ministry. They are using their gifts to find ways to facilitate communication for the ministry, via a website. Jair is an art student and led a workshop on painting for the boys. And, the young adults of Nueva Vida are committed to spending time with the boys to listen and walk alongside of them. They are looking to connect other young professionals to the house in order to support in ways that the ministry leaders have expressed they have a need. At the same time member from Nueva Vida are also participating in a project up in the neighborhood that these boys come from, working with a community of displaced people to bring care to the elderly. Their service is motivated by their conviction that God has called them to serve and to love mercy and do justice.

Learning together

Learning together

Tapping into his creativity

Tapping into his creativity

An opportunity to paint

An opportunity to paint

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One thought on “Love mercy, do justice

  1. It is so touching to see what God is doing through your ministry with young professionals and through the Shalom church. What a joy to see that God is still using those faithful friends to bring hope and the good news to folks in need. The church started that way and remains committed to being instruments of hope and healing in a needy world. My heart is full!

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