Category Archives: Fun

Thank you Lord for bouquets in our yard!

Enjoy these flowers from our yard!

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Call for the sanitation dept.!

Are you having issues with your garbage collection company? Just be thankful you don’t have to dig a pit for your trash like this one being dug at the hospital right now. Think it’s deep enough? It’ll probably be full …

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dust galore

Take a ride to the town across the border and you’ll pass logging trucks parked along the way, waiting for customs clearance and immigration papers:
Then, if you get behind one, you’ll have quite the time of it trying to …

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Need to go to the bank?

How about this for a quick trip to the bank? Three hours of terribly bumpy and rutted dusty dirt road to go about 55 miles, to get to the nearest town that has a bank. We often ended up behind …

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the rat is gone but the snake…

After 3 nights of the barrel trap being unsuccessful, I added rat poison to the peanut butter, and hurrah!, no more rat in the kitchen! But the snake in the workshop, he’s waiting for Roy’s return. Roy went to the …

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Boxing Day (Dec. 26th) & critters

Okay, I have a rat in my kitchen, which actually is a room separated from the main house by a porch, and I have a snake in our outside storeroom, and Roy is still in Yaounde and soon to be …

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Downtown shopping

Well, here we are in the big city of Yaounde for our shopping before we return to the bush tomorrow morning starting out at 5am so as to make the border crossing before it closes at about 5pm. Yup, we …

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kribi-4-blogIt’s been a wonderful, restful vacation at Kribi so far, all except for some knocking on our door at 4 am this morning. It turned out to be someone looking for the occupants of the room next to us, but …

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On the way to Kribi

on-the-way-to-kribi3We’re on way to a much needed (for Roy, particularly) break of 2 weeks at the beach! We are looking forward to this! We made good time yesterday, taking 10.5 hours to cover about 325 miles. Not bad, eh? We …

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Is that a melon or what???

They are papayas! The seed came from ECHO in Florida, originally from Thailand. They are sweet and kind of red inside instead of orange. We are harvesting fruit less than a year after planting the seed.

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