Category Archives: Fun

Our visitors from the capital are all gone

There seems to be continued “relative” peace in the capital, and all our friends who were with us, mostly over Christmas and New Year’s (we had a total of 58 people at our mission station one night) have either returned …

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The million dollar question!

Are you living out at the CEFA farm yet? That is the question that many of you have asked, so here are two photos of the Danforth house, from Jan. 30th, that will answer that question for you!  A picture …

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Whoo hooo!!!!!!! We are up and running with decent speed internet!!!!

Well, it isn’t a new species of tree amongst the nursery sacks, it’s a satellite dish in our back yard!  The dish was donated to us from generous friends in N. Cameroon, who had switched to a different system.  After …

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Trying to keep the owl out of the attic

If you had a trap door into your attic that was in your living room, and it was a wood frame with SCREEN on it, and it was situated very nicely, directly beneath a lovely beam, perfect for a perch, …

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On a lighter note, how about a white elephant gift exchange?

In the midst of celebrating the deep joy of Christmas and having oodles of guests – at one point we were 45 people instead of our normal 13! – we have been having goofy fun as well.  Here is the …

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Merry Christmas!! Really!!!

We are thankful to be children of the true King, thankful to be where we are, though that could change in the near future.  You may be aware of advancing rebel forces in our country, but we want to reassure …

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Independence Day Parade

The Central African Republic’s Independence Day is December 1st, but due to circumstances surrounding the visit of the nation’s president to a town a day’s drive from us, our celebration at Gamboula was postponed until December 15th.  The parade was …

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A brand new Noren in the world!

Sunday night, just before midnight, after a panic prep (because the labor progressed so rapidly) by Dr. Tim and minimal help from Aleta, Esther Elikia was born in the guesthouse next door to Danforths at Gamboula.  The mom, Mary, is …

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Santa Lucia

What a nice surprise! In the morning, on Dec. 13th, along came Ruth Noren with a beautiful white “dress” (her mommy’s blouse, I think!) and a candle and some yummy sweet bread and butter to share! In the photo is …

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This is us, as of this week!

A little more gray/white, a few more wrinkles, but boy howdy we’re still smiling!

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