Category Archives: Fun

Happy Gramdee and Grampadee – please pray for our kids!

jkmmseas 7.13These are our kids, together for the last time last summer before Sam & Anna & Elaina & Sawyer (on the right) took off for Lesotho to work with Mission Aviation Fellowship.  Please pray for them as they adjust, for …

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Here, this really should say “woman”

no food for lazy man
The women do most of the farming and carrying and cooking and cleaning and….
But, this young man is trying to put some food on the table. This photo makes this frog look huge!
blog frog 10.13

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To those who are carrying a precious burden of a baby

This is for Kimia Joy and others who are waiting for new family members to come into the world.  Are you feeling as big as a truck?  Are you dragging?  Do you feel like just about all you can do …

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The Turks are here for fall school break

Yippee!!  And look what they brought with them!  Besides 2 Swedish nurses, Lisa & Emma, who will be with us for 3 months, they brought our living room furniture for our house out at the CEFA farm.  They also brought …

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Harvest Sunday at Gamboula

What joy and dancing and fun and ok, yes, some showing off, but in a delightful way!  Today was harvest Sunday at the local church here, and people brought in offerings of peanuts, vegetables, fruit, manioc (their everyday staple here) …

Posted in Ceremonies & church happenings, Fun | 2 Comments

The trip back from Yaounde

We thought we’d have an uneventful trip back home to Gamboula.  After all, wasn’t there enough excitement for us on the way there??  Sorry, no.  We had a flat tire about an hour out from Yaounde.  It was a good …

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We had another church service celebrating our local women’s group’s achievements in wonderfully basic things like memorization of verses and the books of the bible.  There is always alot of pomp and circumstance as they are awarded their ribbons to …

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Dentistry ala Africa

What do you do when a crown falls off and you live in Gamboula which is a long day’s drive from the nearest dentist?   I made an appointment, thankfully conveniently coinciding with our next big trip to the big city.  …

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Packing up for a ride on a Cessna – single prop 5 passenger mission plane

Lori & Josh and their 2 year old are going to live in the boonies, and they opted to fly 2 hours or so rather than drive 14 + hours to their new home.   They will be studying Fulfulde and …

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Cutie pies

blog Pcutie patuties

These two are sporting the latest in hairdos, as my mom would’ve called them, hairdon’ts, well, that is, if I tried it with my white girl hair.  Oh, but they’re cute, eh?

blog cutie patouties2

These three were on their way somewhere FAST …

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