Category Archives: CEFA/Ag

A well at the CEFA land

We are so excited and blessed and thankful!!!! There is a well being dug at CEFA, as I write this! Thank you, Lord! and thank you ICDI!

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WHOO HOOO – Papers are signed!!

Thank you so much for prayers concerning the CEFA papers. We just got word from the capital that the paperwork, what they call the “convention” in French, is completed, signed and sealed. We are so thankful that it is finally …

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Who is this? Tweedledum?

No, and not Tweedledee either. It’s not a pregnant lady, it’s our buddy Benoit, keeping his backpack dry in the downpour. We had 6 inches of rain Friday night in a heavy downpour, and then 3 inches on Sunday in …

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Want to harvest some cinnamon bark?

It looks like it’s a tedious process, but it must be worth it, ‘cuz who doesn’t like cinnamon? The ag guys cut some small branches and cut the bark off and scraped the outer layer of skin off. Then as …

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The gourd tree

On my walk to the hospital every morning, I pass this wonderfully strange tree. The huge fruit are gourds, non-edible, but very useful all the same. Here’s our friend A’isaatu, with two halves of this type of gourd, dried and …

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Desiré, the guy with the green thumb

DesirĂ© moved to our area about a year and a half ago, coming originally to work for our colleagues, the Cones, and always keeping the hope of settling here and working in gardening and farming. He has been a boon …

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We’re missing Benoit!

Benoit is on a 3 week journey to East Africa. He’ll be travelling with Angela Boss, and they’ll be visiting different projects and farmers associated with FRB. Roy is missing his help and counsel and friendship, big time!! What with …

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The road to CEFA – the story continues!

Roy has hired crews of about 10 each to clear the road, 500m per group, and the 5 kilometers from the main road to the entry of the CEFA land is almost done! They have to make it 6 meters …

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Road to the CEFA land

Hurray!!! Work has started on the road out to the ag land! The photo shows the how the whole road is hopefully going to look in just a couple weeks. In the background you can just barely make out what …

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Is that a melon or what???

They are papayas! The seed came from ECHO in Florida, originally from Thailand. They are sweet and kind of red inside instead of orange. We are harvesting fruit less than a year after planting the seed.

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