Little Raabi, who once was a tiny toddler with a mega case of TB at our mission hospital, is now a mom. We have been friends through thick and thin, and the “thick” in her case is more than just about any other Fulani friend that I have. She had her baby early, and little Yusufa weighs only 3 lbs, 5 weeks after having entered this world. There is no such thing as neonatal intensive care here in the bush, and Raabi has been unable to nurse, aside from having been very sick with malaria. The baby is now gaining weight, slowly but surely, so they were given permission to go home across the river today, knowing that being at home, and not in the hospital, will help Raabi get better. She will continue her malaria cure at home, being well past the crisis stage. When I dropped them off, she already was sitting up and looking much better. Please pray that she will be able to nurse little Yusufa, and that both of them will be blessed by God.