I guess you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do to get goods into your landlocked, goods-starved country, right? I do wonder what the guy on top is pointing at and if he’s communicating with someone other than himself?! Can the driver hear him? We saw this same car on its way to shop, empty, with 2 guys sitting on the roof, and even then the back wheels were splayed outwards. I don’t even want to think about what’ll happen when those underpinnings give up.Because of lack of vehicles and means, those who are able push the limits. People on our side of the river are thankful for these overloaders, because that means there is oil, flour, etc for sale now in our markets. Of course there are many parallels to draw from the statement; “Because of lack of “x” and means, those who are able push the limits”. Too often the ones with the means push the limits in very negative directions.
There have recently been skirmishes with deaths and injuries (far from our peaceful little corner of the country) and strikes in the capital. Please continue to pray for peace and reconciliation for CAR, with one result hopefully being that normal traffic and commerce can be reestablished, but the main result being people living in harmony.