Daily Archives: March 3, 2011
Our long lost buddies in the north
We at long last made a visit to our Fulani Jesus following friends in the north. Since we last visited them over 3 years ago, they have lost many villagers to death. Some were a result of disease and age …
A few days later, and we were jazzed and thankful!
After having been invited to the celebration we talked about in the previous blogging, Roy, Kim, Dr. Tim, Boniface and others piled into a vehicle and went to the party. They thought they would just be there for the day, …
An amazing time with new friends
Roy, Kim, Benoit, and Bernard went by motorcycle to visit a Fulani village, Bixxx, quite a ways beyond Bernard’s home village, Goxxxx, which is one of the target villages for the CEFA ag development program. They had a great time …
Still struggling with the internet
It has been two full weeks now without internet at our house. We have been able to borrow the Cones’ phone a couple of times. Their phone, for some reason, has kept on with the internet capability even though the …
We have lights and water 24/7, but no internet again!!!
So sorry to have been so long in getting news on the blog, but we have been struggling with no internet as well as having had very limited electricity. BUT, we are happy to say, we’ve got lights!! Our heartfelt …