Pat Stark, center, pastor of Genesis Church in Phoenix, speaks at the Southwest Churches Celebration event.
Pacific Southwest Conference Superintendent Efrem Smith preached on “The Gift of Peace,” and five individuals shared how God has been working in their congregation.
“For us at MasterPiece Church, where most of the people had never heard of the Covenant prior to meeting us, and where most people come with a negative default impression of denominations in general, this allowed us to introduce the Covenant in a more relational way,” said Brad Boydston, pastor of the church plant in Laveen, Arizona.
“They were pretty jazzed after hearing Efrem, meeting people from other churches, and hearing how they all went through the process of becoming fully established as congregations,” Boydston said.
Billed as the “Southwest Churches Celebration,” the event was a warm-up to the PSWC Annual Meeting and Celebration 2013 to be held April 18-19 in Phoenix. In addition to the business of the conference, that event will feature input from Mike Breen and Jo Saxton of 3DM Ministries.