Kanyere Eaton
The Youth Worker Connection will join with the Midwinter Conference, although there also will be special events and forums related specifically to children’s and youth ministry.
Six main speakers are scheduled for the Midwinter Conference:
- Sameh Maurice is senior pastor of Kasr El Dobara Evangelical Church in Cairo, Egypt, the largest Evangelical (Presbyterian) Church in the Middle East. Seven thousand people regularly attend services. Maurice has a curriculum series called the “School of Christ,” which has been used by millions of people in the Arab world, Europe, Australia, and the United States. He also is the deputy director of the Global Pastors Network for the Middle East and North Africa.
- Kanyere Eaton is pastor of Fellowship Covenant Church in Bronx, New York. She has preached, taught and led workshops in churches across the United States, as well as in Korea and South Africa. Eaton has worked in both public and private sectors as a social service professional with a background in early childhood education, substance abuse recovery, direct service management, hunger prevention, and philanthropy.
Comedian Michael Jr.
Michael Jr. is a comedian who performs at the most prestigious comedy clubs, major universities, churches, prisons, and corporates events. “If I’m in a club, my material has to be clean enough to work in a church. If I’m in a pulpit, it has to be funny enough to work in a club,” he says.
- Mark Labberton returns to speak at the gathering – click here to read a previously published story. He is the Lloyd John Ogilvie Associate Professor of Preaching and director of the Lloyd John Ogilvie Institute of Preaching at Fuller Theological Seminary. He previously served 16 years as pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley, California, and co-founded the Christian International Scholarship Foundation. He wrote The Dangerous Act of Loving Your Neighbor: Seeing Others Through the Eyes of Jesus. To view videos of his message during the 2012 Midwinter event, click on part one and part two.
- M. Danny Carroll R. is distinguished professor of Old Testament at Denver Seminary. He previously was professor of Old Testament and ethics and director of graduate studies at El Seminario Teológico Centroamericano in Guatemala City, Guatemala. Carroll, who has Guatemalan roots, helped establish IDEAL (Instituto para el Desarrollo y Adiestramiento de Líderes), a Spanish-language training program at Denver Seminary, and regularly teaches in that program. Carroll recently was named to the board of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, which is the Hispanic arm of the National Association of Evangelicals. His book, Christians at the Border: Immigration, the Church and the Bible is a biblical-theological orientation to Hispanic immigration and was recently translated into Spanish.
- Gary Walter is serving his fifth year as president of the Evangelical Covenant Church.
The conference also will include workshops and peer learning experiences, which were offered for the first time during the 2012 conference and were considered popular.
Information on costs, travel possibilities, and making hotel arrangements can be found on the Midwinter area of the Covenant website.
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08.14.13 at 12:45 am