Julio Cesar Flores at right
Country/place of origin: Guatemala.
Church: Nueva Esperanza Covenant Church in Simi Valley, California, where he serves as a musician, worship and youth leader.
CHET status: Second-year student.
Q: What part of your studies at CHET do you find most satisfying and challenging?
A: Most satisfying is the dynamics used to teach the courses, and most challenging is this Greek course we are taking this summer. I consider it most challenging because it is a language unfamiliar to us. Apart from being challenging, this course is necessary because the original written biblical language is Greek. Learning Greek will help expand my understanding of scripture.
Q: Taking a course during the summer may be challenging. Have you made any sacrifices in order to attend this course?
A: I leave work at 5:15 p.m. in order to arrive to class on time. I live far from here and freeway traffic is quite challenging (Simi Valley to the CHET campus is approximately 60 miles). Travel time averages one and a half hours each way. I go to bed late and get up early to make up for study and travel time. This certainly is a sacrifice. (Julio works 40 hours a week at a manufacturing plant.)
Q: How will you apply what you are learning at CHET?
A: I am already applying what I am learning. I preached this past week and used some Greek word illustrations to support the message. To God’s glory, many were blessed and many came to me afterwards to the glory of God.