Memorial Service Held for Beatrice Bjorklund

4 comments Written on May 4th, 2012     
Filed under: News, Obituary
MERCER ISLAND, WA (May 4, 2012) – A memorial service is being conducted today at Covenant Shores Health Care Center for Beatrice (Johnson) Bjorklund, 94, widow of former Evangelical Covenant Church pastor Paul Bjorklund. She died April 16.

Bjorklund was born January 20, 1918, and was the only child of her parents, who emigrated from Sweden. She earned her nursing degree from Swedish Covenant Hospital in Chicago.

The Bjorklunds were married in October 1943. They served churches in Chetek, Wisconsin; St. Paul, Minnesota; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Orlando, Florida; and Chicago, Illinois. They retired to Covenant Shores in Mercer Island.

She is survived by daughters Carol Duffus and Juliana Bjorklund.

Donations may be made to First Covenant Church in Seattle.

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4 comments “Memorial Service Held for Beatrice Bjorklund”

Bea Bjorklund was a gracious and classy woman who was a wonderful compliment to her husband’s ministry. She is fondly remembered by all who were a part of the old Austin Covenant Church in Chicago. She and Paul had a great and loving impact on the people of that congregation and upon the Surey, Steele, and Anderson families. May God’s comfort and nearness by upon Julie and Carol at this time.

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I am trying this again as the first time I tried this it did not go through. You have written such beautiful tributes to both of my parents. I am so grateful and touched by what you have written. My father would be (is) so proud of you! May God bless you in your ministry. Thank you for your very kind words. Carol Duffus, Cumberland, MD.

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I have tried and tried to respond to you (I am a computer illiterate) but Julie has been trying to tell me what to do.

What I want to say to you is thank you for the kind remarks both after my father died and now after mother’s death. They would be so pleased and I know how proud of you my father is. May God bless you richly in your ministry. I know firsthand what a difficult task you have on your hands and I just pray that you feel fulfilled in what you are doing.

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That was a lovely tribute to our mother, Randy. Thank you.

I’m copying Carol’s reply here as she is not sure you got it. Julie


I am trying this again as the first time I tried this it did not go through. You have written such beautiful tributes to both of my parents. I am so grateful and touched by what you have written. My father would be (is) so proud of you! May God bless you in your ministry. Thank you for your very kind words. Carol Duffus, Cumberland, MD.

carol duffus
05.14.12 at 6:06 pm

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