Christian Musician Tops June’s Most-Read List

Post a Comment » Written on July 3rd, 2012     
Filed under: News
CHICAGO, IL (July 3, 2012) – The surprise visit to a Covenant young man’s high school graduation party by a well-known Christian musician was the most-read Covenant News Service story during June. Stories about the 127th Annual Meeting filled out much of the list. To read the most read stories, click on the links.

Crowder Surprises Fan During High School Graduation

Churches Removed from Membership Roster

National Covenant Properties Approves Rate Changes

Young Covenant Leaders Part of Weekend Gathering

Sacrificial Giving Yields $50,000 for Congo Kids

“Jumping the Shark” a Sign of Sure Decline

19 Churches Welcomed into Covenant Membership

Two New Covenant Digital Book Titles Released

Colorado Fires Threaten Covenanters’ Homes

God Calls Us to Serve Globally at Home

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