
Reminder: Sign up for School to prison

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Get a Taste of NPU & Youth Ministry

Do you have high school students that are considering youth ministry as a major?

Tell them and their parents about North Park University and Center for Youth Ministry Studies Preview Days, coming on November 10-11, 2013.  This program is …

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Ed’s Story – A 7-Film Series about Hope

Post a Comment » Written on October 14th, 2013     
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This is Ed Dobson.

He has an amazing story of hope that has reached around the world. Please take two minutes out of your day to learn about his story.

[vimeo id=”39638568″]

Ed’s Story is our story. Diagnosed with ALS …

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Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore

Post a Comment » Written on October 2nd, 2013     
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Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore…

And How 4 Acts of Love Will Make Your Church Irresistible



The book that will forever change the way you think about church.

The statistics are clear: The American church is …

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Covenant World Relief Spoken Word

Post a Comment » Written on September 30th, 2013     
Filed under: Covenant World Relief, Resources
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The new FREE Covenant World Relief resources are available now. A sample set of materials have been sent to each church, but you can go online now and order additional copies.

The new materials include:

  • A DVD with 11 new

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Our Cultural Addiction To Phones

Post a Comment » Written on September 25th, 2013     
Filed under: Reflection, Resources, Web Resource

[youtube id=”OINa46HeWg8″]

The cultural shift is complete. We’re all just alone with our smartphones, even when we’re surrounded by other humans. The extent of our obsession with capturing every moment instead of merely just experiencing them is highlighted in the …

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School to Prison Pipeline Mini-Conference

The growing prison population of young, urban centered males is at epidemic levels. Moreover, the issues of urban education seem to be mounting at an exponential rate: drop out, inadequate classrooms, burned out teachers.  Higher test scores are only part …

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Ministry by Teenagers

Post a Comment » Written on September 18th, 2013     
Filed under: Center for Youth Ministry Studies, Resources
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9780310670773written by Jonathan McKee and David R Smith

What would happen if we gave teenagers opportunities to serve and use their gifts in ministry prior to high school graduation?

What if we poured into these young leaders, discipling them and …

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Chase Small Group Bible Study

Post a Comment » Written on September 11th, 2013     
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51-0jenI9gL._SX260_What are you chasing?

David was reckless, sinful, passionate, and humble. What can women learn from his broken life? Jennie Allen’s interactive study highlights seven events in David’s life to help you move beyond the appearance of godliness and open …

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Women in Youth Ministry Cohort (Hybrid)

Post a Comment » Written on September 9th, 2013     
Filed under: Announcements, YM Network
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YMCP is launching a cohort exclusively for women in youth ministry. They have taken the best of the face to face format and the online format and are launching this cohort in a hybrid approach. This will be a 10 …

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