After the High: Spiritual Formation in Teens after Camp and Mission Trips
Wednesday, August 29, 1:30–2:30 CST
Register here.
After a significant event like CHIC or another meaningful experience your youth group has had, how will youth continue their spiritual formation after coming off such a spiritual “high”?
This workshop is led by youth ministry veteran and Kids Across America Director of Leadership Development Marvin Daniels as he shares his wisdom on continuing spiritual development “after the trip high.”
Youth Worker Sustainability, Part One: Walking on Stable Ground
Wednesday, September 5, 5:00 pm CST
Register here.
In this webinar taught by Alison Burkhardt, assistant director of CYMS, learn tips for finding stability in this ever-changing field. The Covenant Church also offers great support with helping to resource pastors in fulfilling their call. Check out the ECC’s Sustaining Pastoral Excellence page for more information.
With the changing economy and social service cuts, church, para-church, and secular nonprofit organizations are needed more than ever to fill the gap. These changing trends can wreak havoc on communities in the form of non-renewed grants, terminated service contracts, or simply lower tithes and offerings. As a result, important programs and ministries are lost, and many youth workers are shuffling from job to job without much stability.
Youth Leadership Development: Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders
Tuesday, October 16, 5:00 pm CST
Register here.
This course, taught by Daniel White Hodge, director of CYMS, is designed to engage the urban, suburban, and rural youth & young adult worker to better understand how to raise local youth leadership within their context. This intensive will help to create a space, learning context, and best practices model for youth & young adult leadership development within the Christian Community Development philosophy.
For more on leadership development and Christian community development, check out the CCDA (Christian Community Development Association) website. The CCDA is a network of Christians committed to seeing people and communities wholistically restored. This year’s conference will be held in the Twin Cities.