The Youth Ministry Network (YMN) promotes healthy Youth Ministry in the Evangelical Covenant Church by helping Youth Workers to be known, connected, and resourced.
Within this new structure there are two defined roles, the YMN Facilitator and the YMN Leader. Each conference has only one YMN Facilitator while there are many YMN Leaders in each conference, determined by the geographic reality of each region and affinity groups. The role of Youth Ministry Network Leader is a revision of what was formerly known as a “Frontline Coach”.
Discover who the new Youth Ministry Network Facilitator is in your conference by visiting http://www.covchurch.org/youth/ymn/. There you will find each YMN Facilitator’s contact information, location, and a photo. Introduce yourself to them today!
I’m Marc Lantz, serving Faith Covenant Church of Breton, Alberta, Canada. I’ve been here three years, and in the ECC for 4 years. My first experience was the High Point Student Ministries Resident Program at 4Cs in Arvada, CO. I was impressed by how the Youth Workers of the Front Range got together to have lunch and connect. When I arrived in rural Alberta, I longed for that connection to be made. I soon realized how isolated one can feel serving a small community, with regards to peer support. That’s become a real need for myself, and I hope my involvement as YMN Facilitator will help meet that need for my conference(aka the whole nation of Canada!!) as professional and volunteer youth workers labor in ministering to Canadian youth. Please pray for this vital ministry!!
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05.19.11 at 3:02 pm