As we leave the Holidays behind and focus on a new calendar year, Covenanters everywhere across North America see another milestone in the near future; the Midwinter Conference. I’ve had a lot of preparation to do before the Conference this time, and so I have an even greater sense of anticipation than in previous years.
I’m reminded of a great Hebrew tradition, honed by many years of repetition, a tradition that can inspire us as we approach this new year, and particularly if we’re planning to gather together in San Diego. The practice leads us to focus on a subset of the book of Psalms, called the Psalms of Ascents (Psalms 120-134) which form useful devotional guidelines as we consider our pilgrimage.
No, dear reader, don’t worry; I’m not misinterpreting the Midwinter Conference as being more than it is. However, it can be a time when we seek the Lord for new revelations about our practice, or a time of refreshment and renewed spiritual vitality. In fact, I am praying that’s true for each of us, even those pastors and staff who have to stay home so that others can go.
I should, however, mention here that there is a rich offering this year for those involved in worship ministry. We have workshops, conversations planned over lunch, the opportunity to record your own song ideas or talk over how best to approach recording, a full class on worship and the Bible, an open-mic night, a hymn-sing… the list goes on and on. You can sing in the choir, or just ‘chill’ in sunny San Diego.
Meanwhile, back to the point; getting ready to let God re-focus your vision. In this devotional for a pilgrimage, we find a wide range of subjects covered. Be open; any or all of them might have special meaning for you. Here is a cursory analysis of the topics covered, roughly in order. You might care to hear them spoken by a variety of voices:
“It is God who protects and helps us” (I lift my eyes to the hills…), “it’s good to get together to worship God!” (and we pray for peace of our city and our Kingdom).
God shelters us and we’re devoted to God; “we thank God for constant help and protection”, (remember how God helped us in history?). There are reminders that unless the work is established by God it’s all in vain; that despite opposition I’m flourishing through God’s help…
I’m desperate for God, “I trust God as a child trusts”, (remember how David established this special place, and was rewarded?), and a reminder that working together in unity brings a special blessing. We end with a final song of praise in celebration.
This year, when we’re finally at Midwinter, our thoughts will be guided towards God’s preparation of his servants (Ps.139), God’s protection (Ps.46) and the provision of everything we need to do God’s work (Ps.126).
Before we get there, however, would you care to join me as we consider the themes that formed the thinking of believers on pilgrimage to Jerusalem, for many centuries past?
Looking very forward to fellowship and sitting under your and other’s teaching re. worship, and worshiping together Geoff! Praying for the event now, -Glenn
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01.12.13 at 11:58 pm
Dear Geoff, I was at school with you at MGS. I ws called Danny Cole then, my stepfatheer’s name. In idle moments I see who I can find from the past. We were never friends, but I remember you singing and playing Act Naturally at school once, and another time complaining about Stephen Box’s flute being a quarter tone out of tune. These things made an impression me. I became a guitarist, mostly classical, standards and Latin-American and played for years in Hollywood and at the Hilton in Hawai’i (amongst other places) Now I’m in Ireland.
I suppose I’m the sentimental sort, I feel a fondness for most of the people from my childhood. I got in touch with Geoffrey Nash and we ended up doing a book together for Routledge (I’m also a translator and know more than thirty languages), but we didn’t get along at all as people.
Anyway, best wishes. Daniel
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03.16.16 at 10:14 am