
1 Comment » Written on November 8th, 2013     
Filed under: Culture, Formation, Leadership, Local Church
Today’s post is written by Chris Logan, Pastor of Worship Arts at Community Covenant Church in Lenexa, KS.


The word on the street is that perspective matters.

RelativityHow you understand what’s happening depends on where you’re standing. If you’re on the sidewalk, the car is what’s moving; but if you’re in the car, it’s the rest of the world that’s moving past you. This is the basis of everything from conflict resolution to quantum physics – we must consider where we are in relation to the rest of the world in order to understand what is happening. So too with our story; the place where we start telling our story affects the outcome of that story, and to be plain about it, our story is not one that begins with sin, but rather begins when God created the world and called it good.

A creation does not need a redeemer if there is nothing worth redeeming.

Your perspective – where you stand – matters.

What story are we telling worship gatherings? Is it one that is told with only sin in mind, with an impersonal, distant god who demands obedience before forgiveness, who has little regard for circumstances and prefers an uncluttered desk and labeled files for his creation? Or, is the story we tell a story of a God who created the world good and wants us home again, and is willing to make a way where none seems to exist, a story where redemption is actually possible? Is it a story of a god who demands subjugation to rules or a God who invests in restoration to dignity?

29_Drawing Hands by Escher

Corporate worship without celebration tells a story without hope, for what is there to celebrate without the possibility of transformation? Likewise, corporate worship without lament tells a story without zeal or passion or drive, where nothing is really wrong and so we need not long for a world that is better. Our worship must not simply state the facts of God, but must help us celebrate that God is active and working to restore that which is wrong, and must then help us engage in what God is doing. Our worship must not only celebrate the fact that redemption is possible, but must help us recognize that we actually long for it.

And that it is already here.

Your perspective – and how you choose to live it out – can change everything.

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One Response to “Perspective”

Thank you, Chris. I always appreciate your perspective and wisdom. Thank you for enriching our community.

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