We’re four days in. Welcome to 2013. Let’s have a little interactivity this week:
1) Looking back at 2012, describe one or two sweet moments of worship for you and/or your congregation.
2) Looking back at 2012, what’s one book or other resource that you found helpful in your worship leading ministry?
3) Looking back at 2012, name some musicians/songwriters who helped you and/or your congregations worship in song. Be specific with artist names and songs/albums.
4) Looking forward to 2013, name one or two dreams that you have for the worship life of your congregation.
I look forward to your responses!
1. Spontaneous testimonies breaking out in worship.
2. “God Songs” by Paul Baloche and company. Great book! Wish it wasn’t so expensive.
3. Jason Ingram. Does that dude co-write EVERYTHING good?
4. Partnering with the seminary and university to have our church host an accredited worship leader internship program. I want to be a part of picking up the excellent work started by the Worship Center. Online or extension classes with the sem/ university together with lots of local hands-on training. Including how to teach kids, community outreach, recording, song writing etc. Students walk away with 8-12 months of super intensive experience + accredited, quality theological training. That’s my big dream! Thanks for asking Matt!
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01.04.13 at 6:44 pm
1. Hearing one of our teens knock a solo out of the park on Christmas Eve. She sang “Be Born in Me” by Francesca Batestelli. Awesome moment.
2. Nothing particular comes to mind, sorry.
3. 10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman; Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me) by Casting Crowns
4. I hope for a passion for God and each other to develop that drives even the most introverted person to invite others to experience what they have found. I also desire a passion for the marginalized to develop that leads to action outside of Sunday mornings.
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01.04.13 at 8:15 pm
1.) Singing our theme song for December, “Unchanging” by Tomlin, with a choir of about a dozen folks behind me. They were singing “Angels We Have Heard on High” later in the service, so I invited them to sing our gathering song with the worship team. It was really awesome to have so many people leading up front.
2.) Mostly on a personal note, “How People Change” by Lane and Tripp. Been pivotal in my walk this year.
3.) “All to Us” by Tomlin – our congregation is really pushing to focus on ministering to our local community. “Let the glory of Your name be the passion of the church…” and the rest of the chorus speaks straight to us in that regard.
4.) Dreaming of performing the entire “Behold the Lamb of God” album by Andrew Peterson as a concert in December. Might still be out of our grasp, but dreaming…maybe I’ll settle for taking the team to see Andrew do it live on tour =). That is by far my favorite Christmas album of all time…possibly favorite album period.
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01.04.13 at 9:19 pm
1. Welcoming our new pastor, Casey Barton, at his installation service in August – the culmination of a LONG, emotional, difficult, and ultimately important journey for our congregation.
2. “The Christian Doctrine of the Atonement According to P.P. Waldenstrom” – renewed my love for the Covenant and my worship of our loving God, whose atonement is so radical!
3. Christ Tomlin/”White Flag” – this song deeply impacted me at CHIC, and also the students and other leaders who were Tennessee. I took the song to heart, and felt a fresh release of my “self” to God.
4. Seeing our worship become more interactive, with more use of the arts, once again. And seeing the entire congregation caught up in prayer so deeply that we totally lose track of time!
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01.07.13 at 8:58 pm
Back in the 90s I worked with USAFE at RAF Upper Heyford, and met Chris at a navigators event, we had a long conversation, I was still on the fence to Christianity and her warmth and friendliness to a guy she’d never met and the love given helped me on my way. Beautiful voice.
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12.07.14 at 2:40 pm