What in the world is CFDZ ???

Welcome to our blog!                                                                                       CFDZ comes from French for Centre de Formation des Disciples a Zulu which we translate into English:  ZULU Discipleship Center.

For all who are new (& for those who are not, but may have forgotten) our last term in D.R.Congo we were thrilled to be able to open this center on the old Zulu Camp property.  CFDZ is a place where families come to live in community, committing themselves to learn what it means to be Christ’s disciples for a period of approx. 2 years.  In those 2 years they live in accountability with other families to God’s Word and to the Director Couple: Etienne and Marie PASI.  As a community, they daily worship, study God’s Word, share meals, clean up, and do all the Center’s project tasks together. These projects presently include:  planting & harvesting gardens of corn, manioc, beans, and peanuts, raising pigs and chickens,  over-seeing 2 fish ponds AND running Zulu Bible Camp each summer.  (See more about Zulu Bible Camp in the next blog post.)

Our CFDZ Family shortly before our home assignment in 2014.Zulu Disciples Families

We are EXCITED!  Lord willing, we’ll be returning to DRC in mid-March.  We  have been approved to build a small house at the CFDZ and live there this coming term.  We look forward to living and working alongside Etienne & Marie and all our families this coming term.  Our hope is to welcome a new Disciple Family or 2 at CFDZ and send out our FIRST Disciple Family from CFDZ to open a new center and camp in another region of the CEUM (Congo Covenant Church) work.

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