Connection Points

By Karen Hallberg, Director of Mission Mobilization and Connection for Covenant World Mission.


I’m sure you are in the midst of long to-do lists as ministry opportunities abound as we begin this new year. Perhaps you are also planning to attend the Covenant Midwinter Conference.

If you are planning to attend, Covenant World Mission (CWM), is looking forward to some key connection points during this upcoming event, which will take place January 30- February 3, 2012. Here are a few highlights for your consideration.

Covenant World Mission is co-hosting an early bird workshop on Monday afternoon, January 30, with the Department of Compassion, Mercy and Justice. “The Three R’s of Christian Community Development” will be lead by John Perkins and Jean Thomas. Whether in Mendenhall, Mississippi, or Fond-des-Blancs, Haiti, the biblical framework for effective holistic ministry is the same. Each community may call for different methods and may produce different results, but the challenges for both the minister and the recipients are universal. This workshop will bind the key principles that have guided the Christian Community Development movement over the past thirty years with living examples in North America and Haiti.

Featured workshops include “Trends and Best Practices in Short-term Missions” taught by Dr. Robert Priest of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and “Next Steps” led by Kim Crawford, Dale Lusk, and me.  “Trends and Best Practices in Short-term Missions” will feature trends in short-term missions and what research is now showing about what short-term missions contributes strategically. It will also suggest best practices for churches that organize and coordinate mission trips. “Next Steps” is about going deeper in short-term mission ministry. Participants will learn how to engage congregations to use their gifts and skills to further the kingdom of God in cross-cultural ministry across the street and around the world. As you listen to God’s leading, your church can participate in mission that engages relationship, invites creativity, and is grounded in appropriate action.

Lunch forums will take place throughout the week – learning about Immigrant Ministry in the European Context, Kenya Mission Connections, and Domestic Mission around North America.

Those who are attending can also join us on Thursday morning as we talk about possibilities for Middle East Ministries, or for evening receptions in the CWM Forum space.

We hope the continuing education aspect of Midwinter Conference will provide those who are attending with tools and resources, as local churches moves forward in serving globally. We trust the relational connections made will enhance partnerships as well.

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