How do you keep a good thing going?
That’s a question that we’ve all asked and it’s a question that we are asking ourselves as we move toward ending our Home Assignment and returning to Colombia. We’ve enjoyed the connections that we have had, the new friends and partners we have made and the old friends and partners that we have been able to be with. We will have spent time with each one of our partner Churches—we have visited numerous homes (and, to answer the challenge of one host who wanted to know how many beds we’ve slept in, so far its been 50)—to date, we have shared, spoken, preached, showed videos, and answered questions, etc. over 150 official times (and innumerable small, impromptu times of sharing—which often are the most precious opportunities). Many people have commented on our schedule, on how “tough it must be”, on how “tiring it must be”, etc. Actually, we know what we are getting into and we more often than not finish up a trip and/or a visit feeling energized and inspired. Connecting with people, relating to people, and having good conversation is invigorating.
So, how do you keep a good thing going?
Our friend, Bob Smietana, contacted us wanting to do an interview for an article he was writing on “Streaming Missions” – How Video Helps Churches and Missionaries Stay Connected – (here is the link to the article)
We strongly encourage you to take a read of this article by Smietana as it answers the question of how we keep this connection going. There are some great suggestions at the end of the article as to how to request “streaming communication” from a missionary. We want to emphasize that WE want to keep this good thing going that we’ve been a part of this year. At our next Church visit, a faithful partner that has been with us since the very beginning of our career, we are going to utilize this tech media in order to better connect with the Church, since we won’t be able to be present with the whole Church family on Sunday—but we will be able to leave a blessing for everyone.