Pastoral Family Retreat-2011

Pastoral Family Retreats put on by the Covenant of Colombia include all of the family.  Not every pastoral family can attend, as some have conflicts or have children already studying in school, but many families do attend.  This past retreat included a two hour business session, a one hour presentation of Advocacy for Victims of Abuse – Women, two sessions of teaching on identity issues in ministry, and the rest of the time was spent enjoying one another and fellowshipping together over meals, free time, in the pool, on the soccer field, in the billiard room, etc.  Everyone who came smiled.  Everyone who came relaxed. Everyone who came ate ice cream.  Everyone who came was sad when the time was up and.  That’s what should happen at a retreat and that is what did happen.  Kudos to Pastor Javier Gomez who headed up the group of ministers who organized and put on the retreat.

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