As 2011 begins, and here in Colombia they are still getting into the rhythm of the new year, we, too, have been setting the groundwork for the coming year of ministry and partnering in ministry. This often means that wherever we are can be, and often are, places of work. As seen in the two pictures above, Mary Lou is doing some work while in the Children’s ministry room of the Thirst for Justice Church, while there on a visit. It was time to get something done. Gary is getting some things done while waiting for his food in a restaurant. Now, many of you may do the same thing in your lives – get done what you can where you can. We often find ourselves in the same frame of mind and in the same situation. And, since the Colombians are getting themselves into the rhythm of the new year, we are taking advantage of this time to get ourselves ready for all that is coming ahead in our ministry and partnering in ministry.
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