CWR – Covenant World Relief – Socorro Mundial del Pacto (in Colombia) came and visited the sights of their partnership with the Little Grains of Life ministry in El Pinal and La Libertad. Lots of little kids are getting ready for school in the Good Beginnings program in Medellin and these two sights are models for everyone else. But, for David Husby, (representing all of you who are a part of Covenant World Relief) to see with his own eyes and hear with his own ears what the partnership this year has done so that 75 more children can join the program and they can look for ways to include the more than 100 on the waiting list, and find a way to accommodate up to 300 elderly for a daily lunch program, it was a fantastic time. All because CWR, and you, found a way to put a roof on the second floor of the La Libertad building.
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