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Roller Coaster

Posted by on August 29, 2014

God is really using this support-raising time to reveal many things to us. We describe this process (and have heard it described by other missionaries) as a roller coaster ride! In any given moment, we feel everything from liberation to fear to reverence. Every roller coaster ride has hills and valleys. Just as you make it over one hump, the next one is already underway. Some days, everything flows smoothly and we feel like we are on the ride of our lives! On these days, we zoom past each turn and whisk over the hills so fast we feel like we’re flying. Yet on other days, we feel like the kid in the back of the line on a hot day, wondering when it will be our turn to ride. On those days, it feels as if we’ll never reach the goal.

God has been using you to encourage and pray for us. And these conversations and heartfelt prayers make all the difference. We are discovering that the support-raising process is just as important as the ministry to take place in Germany. We have the task and calling to inspire our friends, family and church community toward the call to global mission. And YOU have the task and calling to respond to the call God is placing on your hearts! This model for mission is not our idea, our church’s idea, or even our denomination’s idea. Global mission is central to God’s heart and the work will not be completed until every nation, tribe and tongue calls upon His name.

We are so thankful for each of you. We have been humbled by how many people have reached out to support us in various ways as we prepare to go. We are just so thankful for everyone who has prayed or offered us hope. It means so much to us!

In return we want to offer this gift to you as well. Please feel free to reach out to us and let us know how we can play a part in your life. If we can pray for you, let us know. If you just want to talk and need someone to just be present, let us know. We are only a phone call or Skype away, or if you live in Chicago, a drive away. Please, reach out to us! We’d love to connect with you.

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