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Reflections on early morning photography and life’s most intense moments…

1 Comment » Written on October 30th, 2010     
Filed under: Jim's Photos

My photography project for the summer was early morning images on medium format film. In practice that meant getting up while it was still dark, setting up one or more 20-30 year old large film cameras on tripods and waiting …

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Saying Goodbye to childhood

1 Comment » Written on August 19th, 2010     
Filed under: News

Just over a week ago I said “goodbye” to our eldest child, Miles, as he headed off to college in Colorado. Hydi went with him to help him get settled and will be back after a couple weeks. So she …

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Life and Death Forum

1 Comment » Written on July 9th, 2010     
Filed under: missions

Years ago when we lived in Gunma Hydi and I became friends with a Buddhist priest by the name of Asakawa. He is unique even among his peers and we found him to be unusually friendly and helpful. He is …

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Pomp and Circumstance

Post a Comment » Written on June 6th, 2010     
Filed under: News

The last couple of weeks have been full of year-end events at CAJ.

  • A week ago Wednesday Miles and his classmates gave their senior comprehensive presentations, culminating a year long project. We all went to watch and Miles did quite

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Festival of Homiletics, Day 5

3 comments Written on May 21st, 2010     
Filed under: homiletics

The festival concluded today, and for us it was a rushed morning followed by yet another surprise.
At the morning worship service the liturgy was led by the eclectic and highly acclaimed John Bell, who was supposed to have been …

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Festival of Homiletics, Day 4

Post a Comment » Written on May 20th, 2010     
Filed under: homiletics

Today was the last full day of the Festival.

In the morning worship we heard a sermon by Michael Curry, Anglican Bishop of North Carolina. He delivered a lively sermon steeped in the traditions of African American preaching, reminding us …

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Festival of Homiletics; Day 3

Post a Comment » Written on May 19th, 2010     
Filed under: homiletics

Today was another full day in Nashville.

During the morning worship time we received an incredibly funny and deeply moving sermon from Craig Barnes, entitled “Preaching to the Rabble”. In Numbers 11:4 we read of the rabble who never stopped …

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Day 2, Festival of Homiletics

Post a Comment » Written on May 18th, 2010     
Filed under: homiletics

Day 2 (Tuesday, May 18th) began with a sermon by yesterday’s lecturer, Anna Carter Florence. Her text was the troublesome Matthew 15:21-28 text in which Jesus essentially uses a racial slur, calling the Canaanite woman a dog. She poked fun …

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Festival of Homiletics

Post a Comment » Written on May 18th, 2010     
Filed under: homiletics

I am in Nashville this week, attending the 2010 Festival of Homiletics with a fellow pastor from Japan. I’ll be posting daily entries if I can keep up.

Day 1: Pastor Hirano and I started the day in Shinagawa at …

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