An Unwelcome Visitor (who was taken advantage of)

Last week a most unwelcomed visitor arrived on the property where we live which adjoins our school.

One big and unwelcome visitor!  But then we did not give it a very friendly reception.

One big and unwelcome visitor! But then we did not give it a very friendly reception.

Yes this is a green mamba (a very poisonous snake) and thankfully the workers inflicted fatal blows to its mid-section.  Luke who is in charge of the physical plant at RFIS and who also lives on the same property we do, was brought the snake which he happily showed us.

Glad he is dead and being handled by someone experienced in handling snakes.

Glad he is dead and being handled by someone experienced in handling snakes.

Since Karl is a professional hunter, he was happy the next day to “butcher” this snake for his 7th grade Life Science class and my AP Chemistry class (and a few other interested students who managed to get out of class.) OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   Please note that the head was removed (including all the venom) and disposed of before the students got close to the snake. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   Both Karl and Luke are experienced at handling snakes.   Some of the AP Chem girls are keeping the snake skin and now are busy preserving it.

Snake has a new resting place!

Snake has a new resting place!

And on a final note – the snake was cooked and eaten – a bit bony but nice to bite it!

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One Response to An Unwelcome Visitor (who was taken advantage of)

  1. Connie Buller says:

    This was fascinating–thank you for sharing it, and thank you for the work you do for the Lord.

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