Pay it Forward

Pay it Forward–  creditor offers the debtor the option of “paying” the debt forward by lending it to a third person instead of paying it back to the original creditor. Debt and payments can be monetary or by good deeds.

Just wondering about the scriptural significance of this thought… I know we can not pay anything back to our God who risked all and gave all on our behalf.  There is no good we can do on this earth to pay for our pardon, our salvation or our deliverance that comes through Jesus Christ.  BUT, the love that flows from God to our hearts, quenching our fears and anxieties, comforting us when life seems so forlorn and complicated and and overflowing with a power that is truly not from us….how do we respond to such a love?  We can not ever pay it back, but can we “pay it forward?  Can our lives reflect that which we have been given so that others can enter into the same love relationship with our Father?

We just received the following YouTube story and it was a beautiful picture of how someone “paying their faith forward” touched lives that went far beyond themselves.

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