The Gift of Two Eggs

Post a Comment » Written on August 11th, 2016     
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Hello! My first ministry trip to Congo in 2016 is nearing the two week mark.  I have a great deal of news to share, but where to start?  That the Congolese airlines are flying again? Yeah! That it hasn’t rained in two months? Dry. That the Democratic Republic of Congo won the Africa Cup (soccer)? No small deal.  That the continuing pastoral education team is close to publishing its first book?  Yes!  These are all good talking points, but I’d rather talk about eggs.

As I was finishing up the last lesson in my discipleship course, one of my students, Albert Sekula, asked if we could have a private conversation.  I admit that I was a bit hesitant as private conversations tend to be venues where one is asked for some form of assistance or information.   I often get asked for help with tuition or paying a medical bill and, if the Spirit leads, I do sometimes.   Others ask for my phone number or email.  I never give out my primary address or my stateside phone number as it is hard for some to understand a 9 hour time differential.  But I agreed to have conversation just before the class had their final exam.

Albert and I ducked around a corner of the building.  There, he looked up to me and said, “Professor, I just want to thank you for coming.”  And then he proudly held out two eggs for me.  Two small eggs, not much, they don’t even make a big omelet, and they weren’t nice and clean like in the store (see photo).  But there they were in all their beauty, or lack thereof.

Albert is a dirt poor theological student, barely scraping by, and the gift of two eggs represented a substantial sacrifice on his part.  His family could really use them.  I was humbled and overwhelmed.  In all the years of my teaching, I had never received from my Congolese students a gift, let alone eggs.  In so receiving, I received so much more. The eggs allowed me to connect with Albert’s heart.  And that generous act is truly one of the highlights of the trip.

The Gift

Two eggs reminded me that the richest blessings are found in the small things, like the widow’s two tiny coins (Luke 21:2).  Albert’s act helped open my eyes a little wider to see God moving in the small things of life.  No more preaching!  Just wanted to share with you an “Aha” moment.  I’m in the Congo until the 25th and will be teaching more courses and participating in continuing pastoral education seminars.  Celia sends her love from North Carolina where she is with family.  I am in good health (I think).  May the Lord bless and keep you!

David Stockcamp
Project Missionary to Democratic Republic of Congo
Evangelical Covenant Church

Taken from the article posted by David Stockcamp in March, 2016 with his permission

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