Pastor Mark Habluetzel and family.
Using the Covenant Kids Congo (CKC) Lenten resources has been a great blessing for us at Hope Covenant Church in El Dorado, KS in several ways. First, it is a very practical way for our church to continue partnering with the wider mission of the Evangelical Covenant Church and stay connected to our denomination. Several months ago some of our church members began sponsorships with CKC and our church has continued to promote it on a regular basis. The Lenten resources have helped continue that awareness and connection with what God is doing in our denomination and throughout the world.
Secondly, these resources have provided an avenue for our church to participate corporately with the season of Lent. Hope Covenant Church is a fairly young church, made up of many people with non-churched backgrounds, so the concept of participating in the rhythms of the church calendar is not familiar. The Lenten resources bring a church familiar with a contemporary worship setting into the greater tradition of the historical church in both mission and liturgy.
Most importantly, using the Lenten resources continues to expand our understanding of global realities and gives us context for the gospel. Awareness of the poverty that afflicts children in the Congo gives a sobering reality check to our own context. It helps us recognize injustices in the world. Realizing that simple medical treatments for diseases and access to clean water are still largely unavailable to these children stirs us to prayer and action. It gives us a glimpse of God’s heart for the poor and needy and shows how we can do something practical about it. We are excited to continue using the corporate prayers, PowerPoint slides, bulletin inserts, and other materials provided through Covenant Kids Congo, which have enriched our congregation’s understanding and participation in God’s kingdom together.
Hi Mark! What a treat to see you and your family’s photo on the Congo Kids blog!
Blessings to you as you serve in ElDorado, Kaye Melgren
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03.27.13 at 7:45 pm