Hope Sunday Feature Church: Naperville Covenant Church

Post a Comment » Written on October 24th, 2012     
Filed under: Featured Churches, Hope Sunday, Message, News & Updates

In the last month, our team has had the honor of visiting Covenant churches all over the country and participating in Hope Sunday events. There are many inspiring stories to share, as we have seen small and large churches, new …

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Modanock Covenant Partners with Congo!

Post a Comment » Written on October 23rd, 2012     
Filed under: Featured Churches, Hope Sunday, News & Updates, Travel

Written by Adam Phillips, project consultant

New Hampshire in the fall is an incredible time. The leaves are some of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen, evidence of God’s grace and beauty amidst the changing seasons. Couple that with an …

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CKC Child Sponsorship Website Goes Live!

Post a Comment » Written on October 15th, 2012     
Filed under: News & Updates

As of October, child sponsorship for Covenant Kids Congo is officially available online at www.covenantkidscongo.org. This new site was built exclusively for this ministry and is specifically for child sponsorship. Website features include search options by age, gender, or …

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CKC at Conference Retreats: Part One

Post a Comment » Written on October 12th, 2012     
Filed under: Hope Sunday, News & Updates, Travel

Written by Adam Phillips, project consultant

The Covenant Kids Congo team is hitting the road; attending many of the Covenant’s pastor/spouse retreats (or “ashrams” as we call them in the East Coast Conference).

I had the opportunity to spend a …

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Upcoming Hope Sunday Event Tips Live Forum

Post a Comment » Written on October 11th, 2012     
Filed under: Hope Sunday, Live Forum, News & Updates

As your church prepares to host a Hope Sunday event or considers hosting one, you are probably wondering how you are going to present Covenant Kids Congo to your congregation. There are many ideas available for how to set-up the …

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A Taste of the Kingdom in North Portland

2 comments Written on October 9th, 2012     
Filed under: Featured Churches, Hope Sunday, News & Updates, Travel

Written by Adam Phillips, project consultant

This past Sunday, St. Johns Covenant Church, a new church plant in Portland, OR hosted one of the Covenant’s first Hope Sundays. I was privileged to share the message, as I make …

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A Journey to Transformation: CKC in Kansas

1 Comment » Written on October 4th, 2012     
Filed under: Message, News & Updates, Travel

Written by Peter Cisneros, project manager

On the surface, Covenant Kids Congo is about Hope Sunday events and child sponsorship but on my recent trip to Kansas, God presented me with a different picture of this project. Kansas is home …

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Reconstructed Bridge Reopens in Congo

Post a Comment » Written on October 4th, 2012     
Filed under: News & Updates

Covenant Newswire article written by Stan Friedman 

Travel between Gemena and Karawa became easier last week when reconstruction was completed on a bridge that washed out in August. The bridge, which is part of National Highway 24, was dedicated on …

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Canada Conference Partners with Covenant Kids Congo!

1 Comment » Written on October 2nd, 2012     
Filed under: Hope Sunday, Message, News & Updates

Written by Julia Sandstrom, Director of Ministry Support

When the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) talks about an unprecedented partnership, we in Canada feel that most deeply. The Canada Revenue Agency (our IRS) does not allow Canadians to receive tax deductions …

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Hope Sunday Feature Church: Hinsdale Covenant

Post a Comment » Written on September 26th, 2012     
Filed under: Featured Churches, Hope Sunday, News & Updates

The following is an example of how Evangelical Covenant Church of Hinsdale presented their Hope Sunday event to the community on September 16th. We hope it will inspire your church as you consider how to host a Hope Sunday. More …

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