As of October, child sponsorship for Covenant Kids Congo is officially available online at
www.covenantkidscongo.org. This new site was built exclusively for this ministry and is specifically for child sponsorship. Website features include search options by age, gender, or birth date, as well as our Facebook feed, and frequently asked questions. If your church is hosting a Hope Sunday event and runs out of child picture folders, you will be able to point people towards this website for easy access to child sponsorship. Also if you’re an individual and your church is not hosting a Hope Sunday event, you can still take part in child sponsorship through the site. Note that this is only for child sponsorship. All other information such as Hope Sunday resources and updates on the project will continue to be available on our main
website. We encourage you to check out the new sponsorship site and act by sponsoring a child today! If you have any questions/concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us at covenantkidscongo@covchurch.org.