This is a wonderful time to engage in CKC, offer an update from Congo, and share the beautiful opportunity to sponsor a child. Covenant Kids Congo just released a brand new Hope Sunday Kit that makes planning an event easy.
And it comes at a moment when your support is critically needed. While amazing strides have been made in Gemena over the past five years, there’s a long journey ahead. In this remote area of DR Congo, clean water is rare and childhood malnutrition is common.
Come alongside our Congolese brothers and sisters who are striving toward a brighter future, and host a Hope Sunday at your church. This kit is your simple guide to planning a powerful Hope Sunday. Check it out here!
Inside the New Hope Sunday Kit:
- Hope Sunday Guides: Find everything you need to know in the Planning Guide and the Weekend Services Guide. These simple, easy-to-use guides break down the basics in 2-3 pages. Plus, we also have talking points available for your pastor.
- Downloadable Videos: Choose a video to play and share a story from our brothers and sisters in Congo with your congregation. There are all kinds of wonderful stories, from CKC sponsored child Deborah’s story about growing up in Congo to women’s groups who are building a brighter future for themselves and their families.
- More Helpful Resources: Check out other Hope Sunday resources, like the CKC bulletin insert, and find handouts and discipleship resources to use beyond your Hope Sunday.
Find it all at CovChurch.org/HopeSunday.
A Message of Encouragement from Rev. Etienne
While we were in Congo this summer, we talked to Rev. Etienne Mbewa, the Covenant Church of Congo (CEUM) pastor who serves as the CKC point person. Rev. Etienne had a short message to share with you. Watch it below!
Host a Hope Sunday
Want to have a Hope Sunday at your church soon? Sign up at CovChurch.org/HopeSunday.
Questions? Reach out to CKC Project Manager Cat Knarr at 773-442-6578 or CovenantKidsCongo@covchurch.org.