Thank you so much for your prayers for our family during this time of transition and adjustment to life in the U.S.! It’s hard to believe that we have been back in the States for three months now – time is going by fast! And, it has been a fun and busy summer for us. Here are some things we’ve been up to…
First, we’ve really enjoyed spending special time with our families. Erika’s family is all here in the Twin Cities, so we’ve had many opportunities to play together with her family…
We took a trip to Wisconsin and Chicago and had the opportunity to spend time with Nils’s parents and brothers’ families…
While in Chicago, we spent over a week with our missionary colleagues who are on home assignment right now, first in a time of retreat with the kiddos, which was such a blessing, and then in meetings that helped us with some reverse culture shock and prepare us for our time sharing with churches. It was wonderful to get to know other Covenant missionaries, to hear their stories of God at work in their lives and in their ministries and for our kids to spend time with other missionary kids!

We’ve also had a few opportunities to share and connect with our partners in ministry in Minnesota (unfortunately we don’t have many pictures of our time with churches). We thank Thief River Covenant Church, Grace Covenant Church of Little Falls, Roseville Covenant Church, Salem Covenant Church’s VBS, Fridley Covenant Church’s senior luncheon group, Rice Creek Covenant Church’s women’s group for inviting us to share how God is at work in our lives and in Mexico, but also for showing us God’s love in a variety of ways this summer!

Another big praise to God is for the gift of attending the pastor’s family retreat at Lake Beauty Bible Camp! We had such a relaxing and fun time as a family playing board games, paddle boating, playing basketball, even taking a dip in the lake (although it was only in the 60s and windy that day!), and getting to know other pastor’s families in MN and WI.
Finally, we are so grateful to have found a place to live in Fridley, MN. It is a great place close to Erika’s family and the boy’s school. Family and friends in the area have responded so graciously to our petition to donate or lend used furniture and household items for this year – muchas gracias to all! Truly our hearts are overflowing with gratitude!

If you are in the Twin Cities, please stop by and see us! We love visitors and catching up with friends!
Upcoming travel and prayer requests:
Boys start a new bilingual public school on Sept. 8th – they are both excited and nervous! Pray that they will adapt well, make friends quickly and experience God’s love for them and share that love with those around them.
Nils will be traveling and sharing in September: 13 – Castle Oaks in Colorado, 27 – Zion Covenant in Wisconsin. Pray for safe travels, great connections with our partners and for Erika and boys at home. Erika plans to connect with women’s groups at Twin Cities Covenant churches that month.
Baby girl is due October 16th! So far things are going well and we ask your continued prayers for healthy baby and mama, as well as preparing our hearts, minds and family for this big change!
Continue to pray for the ministry in Oaxaca, Mexico, specifcially for MAEM that is leading a 10 week course on forgiveness and reconciliation with the women’s group and the group of Christian leaders in training.
Thank you for your partnership, prayers and friendship! We are grateful for each of you! Please keep in contact and let us know how we can be praying for you.
It has been great to have time to spend with you and your family. I so enjoyed our time together at Green Lake, WI. Was great to be not only with you, but your folks and brothers and family. Hope we have more opportunities to be with you while you are here in MN. Anxious to see your home.
I’m sure the boys will adjust quickly to school here in the States. They are both so social and had such a good time with all the cousins while together in WI.
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