Posts Tagged ‘Pacific Southwest’

Empty Bowls a Reminder of Community’s Needs

Post a Comment » Written on October 11th, 2010     
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grow-dot copy2

I am the vine;you are the branches.

If you remain in me and I in you,

you will bear much fruit;

Apart from me you can do

nothing. John 15:5


Invitation to GROW is a simple but comprehensive approach …

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Zambikes a Finalist in World Challenge Competition

Post a Comment » Written on October 7th, 2010     
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LUSAKA, ZAMBIA (October 7, 2010) – Newsweek and BBC World News have announced that Zambikes, a bicycle manufacturing business in Zambia co-founded by a 25-year-old member of Clairemont Covenant Church, is one of five finalists in the media …

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Vitality Journey – Focusing on Future, Not the Past

Post a Comment » Written on October 4th, 2010     
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SAN DIEGO, CA (October 4, 2010) – Clairemont Covenant Church is the first congregation in the denomination to work through all phases of the Congregational Vitality Journey, and the pastor says the experience has been a source of renewal.


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Memorial Service Saturday for William May

Post a Comment » Written on October 1st, 2010     
Filed under: News, Obituary

SAN DIEGO, CA (October 1, 2010) – A memorial service for retired Evangelical Covenant Church pastor William May, 89, will be conducted at 10 a.m. Saturday at Mount Miguel Covenant Village Bailey Center. He died Tuesday.

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Five Churches Support Pastor Facing Deportation

Post a Comment » Written on September 23rd, 2010     
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TORRANCE, CA (September 23, 2010) – Five Evangelical Covenant Churches as well as Pacific Southwest Conference (PSWC) leaders are advocating on behalf of a Torrance pastor who is fighting her “order of deportation.”

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Ministry Seeks to Serve Area Plagued by Poverty, Violence

Post a Comment » Written on September 22nd, 2010     
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OAKLAND, CA (September 22, 2010) – A lengthy feature posted today on the San Francisco Chronicle website highlights members of New Hope Covenant Church who have chosen to reside and minister in a violent, low-income neighborhood even though they could …

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News Briefs: Covenanters Making Headlines

Post a Comment » Written on August 27th, 2010     
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SAN DIEGO, CA (August 27, 2010) – Construction has begun on a new roofed basketball court in San Juan Laguna, Guatemala, thanks in part to Covenanters who helped Richard Paff raise $26,000 on his record-setting trek during which he shot …

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Creating Multi-Sensory Worship for People with Alzheimer’s

Post a Comment » Written on August 26th, 2010     
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ANAHEIM, CA (August 26, 2010) – A Covenant minister who is developing a worship program for people with Alzheimer’s hopes churches and care facilities will begin to incorporate it into their ministries.

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Origins Event Photos

Post a Comment » Written on August 3rd, 2010     
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LOS ANGELES, CA (August 3, 2010) – More than 1,500 individuals participated in “The Banquet on The Row,” a special event where homeless individuals were the guests of honor. Following are additional moments from that event captured by the camera.…

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Skid Row Homeless Special Guests at Banquet

Post a Comment » Written on August 3rd, 2010     
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LOS ANGELES, CA (August 3, 2010) – Evangelical Covenant churches partnered with the Fred Jordan Mission to help kick off the first Origins event with “The Banquet on The Row,” at which the homeless were the invited guests.

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