Posts Tagged ‘Pacific Southwest’

‘Day in the Park’ – Another Way to Touch Lives

Post a Comment » Written on June 3rd, 2010     
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OAKLAND, CA (June 3, 2010) – A homeless man who has occasionally attended Convergence, a fairly new Evangelical Covenant Church, was the one who broached an idea that ultimately led to 500 people participating in the congregation’s “A Day …

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Convergence Photos

Post a Comment » Written on June 3rd, 2010     
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OAKLAND, CA (June 3, 2010) – Following are additional photos from this year’s Day in the Park event sponsored by Convergence church. Photos are courtesy of Jeffrey Chou.

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Hispanic Leaders Express Appreciation for Encouragement

Post a Comment » Written on May 27th, 2010     
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CHICAGO, IL (May 27, 2010) – Covenant Hispanic leaders have written a letter to Evangelical Covenant Church President Gary Walter in appreciation for expressions of prayer and encouragement they have received from people throughout the Covenant in the midst of …

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Arizona Church Pursues Fight Against Human Trafficking

Post a Comment » Written on May 26th, 2010     
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The African American Minister’s Association (AAMA) is leading the denomination in an effort to bring clean water to the more than one billion people in the world that do not have access to clean water. Your donation will help reduce …

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Conference Meetings Shifting to Celebration Themes

The African American Minister’s Association (AAMA) is leading the denomination in an effort to bring clean water to the more than one billion people in the world that do not have access to clean water. Your donation will help reduce …

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Conference Focuses on Support for Victims of Abuse

Post a Comment » Written on May 4th, 2010     
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Conference Transition Brings Opportunity for More Change

Post a Comment » Written on April 30th, 2010     
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By Stan Friedman

SCOTTS VALLEY, CA (April 30, 2010) – Following his election to become the next superintendent of the Pacific Southwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church, Efrem Smith said in an interview that, “I feel like this conference …

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48 Baskets: 7,716 Miles, 11,853 Minutes, $11,000 for Guatemalan Kids

Post a Comment » Written on April 30th, 2010     
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SAN DIEGO, CA (April 30, 2010) – It may have been one of the most satisfying baskets that Richard “Coach Ricardo” Paff ever sank.

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Hundreds of Homeless Find Shelter in Vegas Drainage Tunnels

Post a Comment » Written on April 28th, 2010     
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General documents

  • Group Benefit Program 2010
  • 2010 Rates

Plan change request forms

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Vision, Inclusion, Collaboration Key to Ministry Momentum

Post a Comment » Written on April 27th, 2010     
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General documents

  • Group Benefit Program 2010
  • 2010 Rates

Plan change request forms

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