Posts Tagged ‘Latin America’

Haiti Disaster Relief Fund Tops $900,000 Mark

Post a Comment » Written on March 4th, 2010     
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CHICAGO, IL (March 4, 2010) – The Covenant World Relief (CWR) disaster relief fund for Haiti has received more than $900,000 in contributions following an earthquake just seven weeks ago that leveled much of Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas, says CWR …

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Developments in Chile Closely Watched

Post a Comment » Written on March 4th, 2010     
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CHICAGO, IL (March 4, 2010) – Covenant Merge Ministries staff member Alejandra Ibarra and her family survived the 8.8-magnitude earthquake and resulting tsunami that destroyed much of Tomé, where she lived.

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Some Chilean Covenant Church Leaders Reported Safe

Post a Comment » Written on March 2nd, 2010     
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CHICAGO, IL (March 2, 2010) – Three Covenant Church of Chile (CCC) leaders and their immediate families are reported to be safe following Saturday’s earthquake that killed more than 700 people, but no word has been received about the status …

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Eyewitness Account: ‘Most Terrifying Minute of My Life’

Post a Comment » Written on March 2nd, 2010     
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Reports on Quake Survivors Slow to Emerge Amid Chaos

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Chile Relief Trips Will Be Needed – Just Not Now

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No Reports Yet on Covenanters Affected by Earthquake

Post a Comment » Written on February 27th, 2010     
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Covenant World Relief Closely Monitoring Chile Developments

Post a Comment » Written on February 27th, 2010     
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Founders Day Event Raises Funds for Haiti Relief

1 Comment » Written on February 25th, 2010     
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MINNEAPOLIS, MN (February 25, 2010) – More than 400 people celebrated the 125th anniversary of the founding of the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) by focusing on themes that have been at the core of the movement from its inception – …

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Getting International Guests to U.S. Events Is Difficult

Post a Comment » Written on February 22nd, 2010     
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CHICAGO, IL (February 22, 2010) – People who attend the Department of Women Ministries Triennial events consistently rate the International Celebration held on the second night of the conference as one of the highlights, but helping participants from other countries …

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