Two New Covenant Digital Book Titles Released

1 Comment » Written on June 19th, 2012     
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CHICAGO, IL (June 19, 2012) – Two new titles have been released in ebook format, expanding the fledgling, but growing collection of Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) publications that over time will become available in digital versions suitable for viewing on iPod, iPad and Nook devices. Work is progressing on development of Kindle versions.

Joining Living Faith: Reflections on Covenant Affirmations, which was the first digital version released, are Covenant Roots: Sources and Affirmations along with Housing the Sacred. All three are available for online purchase and download at – the online Covenant Bookstore.

Covenant Roots, edited by Glenn P. Anderson, is a collection of foundational documents and early statements of Covenant theology. First published in 1980 and later updated and revised in 1999, it includes the records of the organization of the Covenant, reports of the spirited debate of those early church leaders as they gathered to establish a new denomination, statements on Covenant principles by those who formed and led the church, and essays and sermons on our doctrinal heritage by the church’s first educators and theologians.

“As seed to harvest, our past feeds our future,” wrote then-ECC President Glenn R. Palmberg in commending the publication. “In this book we watch and listen as people very much like ourselves make decisions in 1885 that we are still living out today.”

Noting its important role in teaching Covenant history, Covenant historian Philip J. Anderson notes the book was the first of its kind, enabling readers to consider in English translation the accounts of the 1885 organization. “In the absence of formal church confessions,” he writes, “these documents take on heightened formative meaning.”

The Covenant Roots ebook edition is available for online ordering and download at $9.95.

Housing the Sacred reflects veteran Covenant pastor Glen Wiberg’s “high understanding of the sermon and liturgy, the space created by language for the sacred, where people are transformed as they encounter God.” A popular book in the bookstore, it challenges pastors to approach the task of preaching with respect and humility. Wiberg offers insights into the creative and intellectual process of developing a sermon, including the various steps along with a sample of his own work.

“Great preaching, like great poetry, requires great disciplines over time – of mind and heart, creative imagination, and plain hard work,” writes the late James R. Hawkinson, executive secretary emeritus of Covenant Publications. “The imagery he employs will be helpful in capturing for others what he has learned . . . about the high and holy call of proclaiming God’s good news. Careful readers will be both challenged and encouraged.”

The Housing the Sacred ebook edition is available for online ordering and download at $7.95. Another of Wiberg’s books, Singing the Story (published by The Pietisten), is also available for purchase online.

Living Faith – the first digital version to join the Covenant lineup – brings the vibrant faith tenets of the Evangelical Covenant Church into written focus. They form the nucleus of beliefs that shape the Covenant’s theology. Neither a creed nor a confession in the historical sense, they represent long-held theological and biblical views that express living faith in a living God. They continually address believers, asking us to be intentional in how we use our heads, hearts, and hands in the work of Christ.

In this volume the faculty of North Park Theological Seminary engage and interact with the six Covenant affirmations in fresh, new ways. Their discussions and insights reveal some of the joys, challenges, difficulties, and blessings that the affirmations elicit.

The Living Faith ebook edition is available for online ordering and download at $7.95.

Additional titles in ebook format are already in the development stage and will be released throughout the remainder of this year and beyond, says Don Meyer, executive minister of the Department of Communication that oversees publishing activities on behalf of the Evangelical Covenant Church.

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One Response to “Two New Covenant Digital Book Titles Released”

Glad you are on Nook which I prefer.

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