The free application has been scaled up to fit the larger iPad screen, making content easier to read, especially videos and mapping features.

“Reading the daily Newswire articles as well as various ministry blogs is much easier in the larger iPad format,” notes Ben Eash, director of Interactive Services in the Department of Communication. Larger regional map views also enhance the search for Covenant churches, including sorts by conference and quickly identifying Covenant churches near the user’s location.
In addition to news, videos and the Find-a-Church tool, CovLink for smartphones and iPads also offers a major events feature and a “connections” tool for easy access to Covenant Facebook and Twitter links, Covenant event podcasts, the Covenant website, and where Covenant videos from major events will be found.
To quickly access the free CovLink application for iPhone or Android and iPad devices, visit the CovLink page on the Covenant website, which contains direct links to the apps in both the Apple Store and the Android Marketplace. Users can also download the application by visiting those store websites and searching for CovLink.