Reed was born September 20, 1937, in Hollywood, California. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in agronomy from the University of California – Davis, where he was invited to join the National Agricultural Honor Society. He earned a Master of Theology degree from Fuller Theological Seminary, studied at North Park Theological Seminary (NPTS), and returned to Fuller where he earned a Doctor of Missiology degree.

Former President Glenn Palmberg Contratulates Nancy and Jerry Reed
He married Nancy Marie Bergmans on September 5, 1958. The couple has been involved in some sort of Covenant ministry for more than 40 years.
The Reeds were called as career missionaries during the 1965 Covenant Annual Meeting. The couple served for 10 years in Ecuador. While there, they welcomed into their home everyone from the U.S. Ambassador to the poorest villager. They transferred to Mexico City, Mexico, in 1975 and worked for 12 years, starting multiple churches and other ministries.
In 1987, Jerry was called to NPTS and served as the Milton B. Engebretson Chair of Church Growth and Evangelism for 17 years. The discipleship materials he developed have been translated into at least 22 languages. Judy Peterson, North Park University campus pastor, says she continues to use the material with students.
Upon their retirement, the Reeds were honored for their many years of service during the 2004 Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota. To read a story about their lives and the ceremony, click here.
Following their retirements, he and Nancy continued to do short-term missionary work in LaCoruna, Spain, where their son Roberto is pastor.
“Jerry always saw the gold in everyone he met,” say John and Letha Kerl, regional mission coordinators for Europe, Russia, and Africa. “He saw God’s potential in people and helped call that potential forth. His smile and encouraging words were always a balm to the soul.”
In addition to Nancy, survivors include their sons, Roberto and Dale, and a daughter, Kathy Mattson. Words of condolence still can be left on his Caring Bridge website.
Covenant News Service will publish additional information as it becomes available.
Familia hispana del Pacto
Como sé que conocisteis a Gerardo Reed, esposo de Nancy y padre de Roberto Reed, os comunico que falleció el domingo en la madrugada en San Diego, California, de un cáncer fulminante en los pulmones y en la cadera.
Como misionero en Ecuador y luego en México, y finalmente España plantó iglesias, evangelizó y discipuló a muchos creyentes. Fue profesor del seminario de North Park y llevó la cátedra en evangelismo y discipulado, algo que no se había ofrecido antes en este plantel. Pero más que nada, Gerardo fue un esposo y padre ejemplar, un amigo incondicional y un siervo de Dios a todo tiempo. Nuestro hermano fue clave como mediador entre la población de hispanos en los Estados Unidos y ayudó a muchos a ingresar a las aulas del seminario de North Park en Chicago. Yo estuve en sus clases y para mí eran un tiempo de desafío y aprendizaje que disfrutaba mucho, con esa paciencia y convicción que le caracterizaban a la hora de enseñar.
Hoy la iglesia hispana en Estados Unidos y la iglesia Hispana de América Latina le lloramos, porque se ha ido un santo y nos ha tomado la delantera para estar con el Señor. Mi esposa Pía y yo estuvimos un mes viviendo en su casa, en las navidades pasadas y jamás pasó por nuestra mente que sería la última vez que le veríamos. Hoy en día hay más muchos pastores hispanos de más de cuatro continentes que fuimos inspirados por su ardor y pasión en el evangelismo y el discipulado y que estamos llevando hoy su bandera.
Os envío los correos de Nancy y Roberto quienes apreciarían vuestro apoyo y oraciones en estos momentos de duelo y pérdida.
“Nancy Reed”, “Robert Reed”, “Roberto Reed”,
Podéis mirar esta página que la Iglesia del Pacto ha habilitado para dejar mensajes a la familia y se pueden en escribir en español. Allí veréis cuando se harán las honras fúnebres en esta semana. – more-7133
Gerardo y su esposa Nancy, hicieron posible la conexión entre la iglesia del Pacto y la FIEIDE en España y también la formación de nuevos países vinculaos y federados a CIPE. A él debemos la serie de discipulado traducida a más de 20 idiomas diferentes.
Gerardo sabía bien esta escritura… que un día nos pidió memorizar en su clase…
“He competido en noble lucha, he corrido hasta la meta, me he mantenido fiel. Ahora ya me aguarda la merecida corona con la que el Señor,
Juez justo, me premiará el último día; y no sólo a mí, sino también a los que anhelan su venida”. (2Ti 4: 7-8)
De verdad que todos que le echaremos de menos porque la iglesia del Señor ha perdido a un guerrero de la fe. Acompañemos con nuestras oraciones a su querida esposa Nancy, su hijos Kathy, Dale y Roberto y que Dios los consuele y fortalezca en su dolor.
Un saludo en Cristo,
Eugenio y Pia Restrepo
Misioneros del Pacto en España
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04.11.11 at 12:20 pm
Dear Nancy and Family,
Our sympathy and prayers are with you. May God give us His comfort at this time.
Walt and Nancy Zurfluh
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04.11.11 at 3:28 pm
Dear Nancy and Family,
I am among the many who always received an encouraging word from Jerry – one that fueled my faith and caused me to wonder at the goodness of our Savior. His witness will continue to whisper in the ears of all of us in whom he invested. Paul Wilson
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04.11.11 at 10:22 pm
The first time Lynda and I met Jerry he was passing through Houston and stopped with us on his way to Chicago. When we offered him a bed our son would have slept in, he declined saying, “I can sleep on the floor. I am used to that.” That was the beginning of the many times he enriched my life by sharing insights on missions, evangelism and discipleship. Since 1986 Jerry has given me encouragement to follow through in church planting and teaching evangelism. He has been a friend to me. He and Nancy have enriched our lives over dinner and weekend trips to bread and breakfast houses. I will miss Jerry’s affirmation, his spirit of helping so many people at the drop of the hat, his passion for discipleship and his persisting effort to bear fruit for the Lord Jesus Christ and his Good News.
Tom W. Collins
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04.12.11 at 1:45 pm
Dear Nancy, I was saddened to hear about Jerry’s passing, and am praying for you in this difficult time. May God’s peace sustain and comfort you now and always. Judy Hamrick
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05.02.11 at 11:45 pm
I feel, moved, regrettably belatedly, to express my condolences and grief over the passing of Jerry Reed. I studied under him in the late 80’s at North Park Theological Seminary and have clear memory of his earnest, direct exhortations to grow in discipleship and to help others grow as well. I appreciated his sincerity, commitment and focus. I regret losing touch with him over the years. – Blessings,
Kermit Hovey
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07.15.11 at 9:20 pm